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AI chatbot

ChatGPT is an AI assistant accessible via messaging apps Telegram, LINE, and Viber. It offers personalized recommendations, translation aid, and a range of personas to cater to various queries. It remembers conversation history, facilitates group interaction, and has a free trial period before the subscription fee of $10/month.


ChatGPT is an innovative AI assistant that is accessible via the immensely popular messaging apps Telegram, LINE, and Viber. Its versatility lies in its ability to cater to various queries, ranging from general questions to providing detailed information on any topic. With a plethora of features, including personalized recommendations and language translation aid, you can rely on ChatGPT to deliver the best results.

Moreover, one of the most unique aspects of ChatGPT is its diverse range of personas, rendering a customizable experience that caters to your whims and fancies. You can switch between personas such as a Chef, Motivational Coach, Poet, Rapper, Social Media Manager, Stand-up Comedian, Storyteller, Personal Trainer, and Travel Planner. Each persona is equipped to dispense expert advice and guidance on their respective niches, so you can confidently seek assistance from ChatGPT on any matter.

Additionally, ChatGPT remembers conversation history for a few hours, making it easier for you to revisit your previous engagements at your convenience. It is also ideal for use in Telegram groups with up to 50 members, facilitating collaboration and enabling group-interaction without the need for a physical meetup.

Furthermore, to give you a chance to experience ChatGPT before committing to any plan, a free trial period is available. After the trial period, you will be charged a reasonable subscription fee of $10/month, which is more than worth the price given ChatGPT’s vast array of features.

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