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AI chatbot is an AI tool that helps businesses create customized chatbots and knowledge bases for their website, with integrated communication platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams. It’s easy to use and has a training function for customer service accuracy and comes with exciting integrations and free sign-up.


Introducing, the ultimate solution for users looking to create innovative chatbots and interactive knowledge bases for their websites. This game-changing tool utilizes advanced artificial intelligence technology to provide businesses with highly specialized chatbots that are fully customizable to their needs. With, you can easily integrate your chatbots into popular communication platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams to streamline your interactions and maximize your productivity.

One of the key benefits of using is its ease-of-use, which allows users to quickly and effortlessly create sophisticated chatbots without any coding skills. Additionally, the tool offers a comprehensive training function, allowing businesses to input their own data, including frequently asked questions, services, contact information, and much more. This ensures that your chatbots are truly tailored to your business needs and can provide your customers with the most accurate and helpful information possible.

Moreover, offers a range of exciting integrations that further enhance its functionality and usefulness. It is entirely free to get started, enabling businesses to experience the full range of benefits that this innovative tool has to offer. But that’s not all – stay tuned for upcoming integrations that will take your business to the next level.

Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity – sign up for today and start revolutionizing the way your business interacts with customers!

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