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For FunMusic generator

An AI-powered application has been developed to extract vocals from any audio file and leaving instrumental components behind to help create karaoke versions of any song.


Introducing the revolutionary and user-friendly online application that enables music lovers to transform their favorite songs into Karaoke versions without any hassle. Our state-of-the-art AI-powered platform is designed to efficiently extract vocals from any audio file, leaving only the instrumental components behind. With just a click of a button, users can easily craft a new rendition of their desired song, unleashing their inner artist.

Our product harnesses the power of advanced artificial intelligence technology to provide an unparalleled experience that is simple, yet swift. Simply choose your favorite song, and our intuitive software will quickly process the file, separating the vocals from the instrumentals within seconds. That means no more tedious hours spent trying to manually remove vocals from a track.

With our advanced application, users will receive two audio tracks once processing is complete – one without vocals and the other with isolated vocals. This allows users to mix, edit or adjust both tracks to bring the best out of their Karaoke version. So, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned music enthusiast, our innovative app caters to everyone looking for an effortless and impressive way to create karaoke versions of any song. Try it out now and experience the magic!

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