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AI productivity tools

ProductiveGPT is a personal productivity tool using OpenAI’s GPT-3 API, which enables efficient task management with versatile task input and time tracking, and offers an optional rest period functionality.


ProductiveGPT is an innovative personal productivity tool that leverages the incredible capabilities of the OpenAI GPT-3 API to aid you in efficiently managing your daily tasks. This cutting-edge solution comes packed with an array of advanced features that empower you to plan and execute your work with utmost efficiency.

One of the prominent features of ProductiveGPT is its incredibly versatile task input system. With this functionality, you can swiftly and easily enter all your tasks for the day into the system, and create a comprehensive to-do list that you can methodically work through. Additionally, by specifying the amount of time you have available for task completion, you can effectively gauge your progress and ensure that you are staying on track.

ProductiveGPT also offers an optional rest period functionality, enabling you to include breaks throughout your workday. This feature significantly enhances your productivity by allowing you to effectively balance work and rest periods, ensuring that you maintain optimal energy levels and remain focused throughout the day.

Overall, ProductiveGPT is an indispensable tool for anyone looking to enhance their productivity and stay on top of their daily tasks. Whether you’re a busy professional or a motivated student, this feature-packed solution is perfect for planning your daily to-do list and managing your time effectively. Get ProductiveGPT today and transform your productivity game like never before!

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