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Music generator

MIDI-GPT is an advanced tool that uses MIDI-GPT along with GPT-3.5-turbo and few-shot prompting technologies to generate MIDI files from natural language. It has a calculate() function powered by Numerical Python and an exciting for loop creative project. It also revolutionizes MIDI export titling with personalized track_names.


MIDI-GPT is a cutting-edge tool that utilizes a fork repl37 of MIDI-GPT while incorporating the groundbreaking GPT-3.5-turbo and few-shot prompting technologies for generating MIDI files from natural language. This state-of-the-art software boasts a calculate() function that is powered by the powerful Numerical Python library, which provides extensive statistical analysis of a 3×3 matrix. Alongside this, the tool features an exhilarating for loop creative project that challenges users to input a particular missing number to exit the loop. The MIDI export titling has been revolutionized whereby the MIDI filename can be personalized to a track_name instead. With these stunning features, MIDI-GPT is undoubtedly the must-have tool for any music composer!

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