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LoopGPT uses OpenAI technology to enable users to converse with two AI chatbots, with features including context setting, timer, and secure API Key storage. Slow AI response prevents throttling. Users should use caution to avoid depleting OpenAI credits.


LoopGPT is an innovative and entertaining experimentation in the realm of OpenAI technology. Utilizing GPT-3.5 Turbo model, this outstanding product is designed to enable users to stimulate a conversation between two distinct AI chatbots, John and Jane. LoopGPT presents numerous features that are geared towards enhancing the user experience. For instance, before commencing a chat session, users can set the context of their conversation. Additionally, users can initiate the chat by sending the first message, allowing AI to generate the remaining conversation. LoopGPT also comes with a timer feature that enables users to set a specific time limit for their chat sessions. Users can stop a chat session either by using the stop button or reloading the page. LoopGPT is designed with security in mind, and clients can rest easy, knowing that the API Key is securely stored on their browser, limiting access to OpenAI endpoints. While the responses generated by the AI may be slow, this aspect is deliberate, as it prevents throttling of the API rate limits. It is worth noting that as with any experiment, LoopGPT comes with associated risks, and users are encouraged to exercise caution to avoid unnecessary depletion of their OpenAI credits. LoopGPT is a fascinating and engaging tool that will revolutionize the way users interact with AI technology.

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