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AI tools for job searchContent creation

Kickresume is a career tool that uses AI to create professional resumes and cover letters quickly with customizable templates.


Kickresume is a top-notch career tool that offers you a wide range of features to make your job hunt easier. With Kickresume, you can create an eye-catching and professional resume or cover letter in a matter of minutes. Our advanced AI algorithms, empowered by the world’s most potent language model – OpenAI’s GPT-3 – makes it possible to create textual contents that reads like it was written by an experienced professional. The customizable templates included with Kickresume provide you with the perfect layout to showcase your skills and experience. Never again will you have to suffer from writer’s block when constructing your resume or cover letter. Kickresume will generate the first draft for you, saving you valuable time and energy. Kickstart your career search with Kickresume, and stand out amongst the crowd.

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