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For Fun

Human or Not? is a social game that challenges users to determine if their conversation partner is a human or an AI bot. It features a loader wrap and prioritizes user privacy with a comprehensive privacy policy and terms of use.


Human or Not? is a revolutionary social game that unleashes users’ curiosity by challenging them to engage in a two-minute conversation with an undisclosed party and determine if the conversation partner is a human or an AI bot. With an early access code available for interested participants, the game offers an opportunity to satisfy the innate ambitions of the human mind.

Additionally, Human or Not? features a well-designed loader wrap that seamlessly conceals and unveils loading screens during gameplay. It also includes a default message and a section for frequently asked questions to guide users throughout the game. As a responsible provider of this innovative tool, we prioritize the privacy of our users, which is why we have included a comprehensive privacy policy and terms of use to guarantee a secure and hassle-free experience.

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