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Music generator

DADABOTS is an AI product that uses deep learning algorithms to generate music in math rock and black metal genres, enabling the sustainment and growth of the music industry.


Introducing DADABOTS, a cutting-edge product that brings together the disciplines of music and math in a remarkably innovative way. This boundary-breaking creation is akin to a convergence of a musical band, an invigorating hackathon team, and an ever-evolving ephemeral research laboratory.

DADABOTS operates using sophisticated deep learning algorithms such as Wavenets, NSynth and SampleRNN, to empower an AI and enable it to craft and replicate music, taking the world of musical creation to an entirely new level of awesomeness. The product’s specialized focus is to create music in a blend of two unique genres, namely math rock and black metal. DADABOTS embodies a team of experts who continue to explore new ways of modeling musical style, generating music with a target timbre and utilizing an army of remix bots, to push the limits of what’s possible in music creation.

DADABOTS is specifically crafted and designed to sustain the music industry’s growth and discovery of new sounds and trends, while also serving as a cornerstone for the development of unprecedented music skills and techniques. It offers an exceptional opportunity to experience the world of music and math like never before, explore new dimensions and learn cutting-edge skills in musical composition and technology. With DADABOTS, the possibilities are endless, and the music creation process is reimagined in a way that is thoroughly exhilarating and awe-inspiring.

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