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Sales tools

CueTap uses AI to offer sales teams automated Battlecards and Competitive Intelligence, providing insights into competitors’ products and services to enhance sales strategies and success rates. It is designed to be user-friendly for sales teams and PMMs and offers onboarding and training. CueTap is available in Individual and Business plans and prioritizes data privacy.


CueTap is a revolutionary platform that imbues artificial intelligence capabilities in order to provide sales teams with automated Battlecards and Competitive Intelligence (CI). Among the key features and advantages that CueTap provides are the Automated Battlecards, which are meticulously crafted data-driven records that offer powerful insights into the products and services offered by your company’s competitors. Additionally, the platform’s Competitive Intelligence features enable sales teams to gain actionable insights that can enhance their sales strategies and increase their overall success rate. One of the most noteworthy benefits of CueTap is that it provides a single source of truth for PMMs to quickly share knowledge, ensuring that all parties are always working with the most up-to-date information. Onboarding and training are also offered in order to support sales teams in their effective utilization of the platform.

CueTap offers an extensive range of use cases that are ideal for various sales professionals, including sales teams that are seeking data-driven insights to identify competitive advantages and weaknesses. Moreover, Product Marketing Managers (PMMs) that are aiming to efficiently share knowledge with sales teams will find this platform particularly useful. Additionally, businesses that are looking to improve their sales strategies with actionable competitive intelligence will benefit greatly from CueTap’s advanced capabilities.

CueTap caters to different user needs via its Individual and Business plans, both of which are designed to ensure data privacy through its Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions. With CueTap, sales teams will be able to collaborate more effectively and attain a deeper understanding of their competitors’ products, ultimately enhancing their overall sales strategies and driving sales success.

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