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Be My Eyes is an app that connects blind and low-vision individuals with sighted volunteers and company representatives for live video calls, offering business solutions and a cutting-edge feature powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4.


Are you looking for an app that can provide critical visual support to blind and low-vision individuals? If so, look no further than Be My Eyes – the ultimate platform for connecting these individuals with helpful sighted volunteers and company representatives. With Be My Eyes, users can enjoy all the benefits of a live video call while receiving invaluable assistance from knowledgeable and compassionate individuals. This app offers a robust suite of business solutions designed to bring inclusivity and accessibility to companies of all sizes, while also featuring a cutting-edge feature powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4. This feature provides instantaneous identification, interpretation, and conversational visual assistance – making it ideal for solving tasks big and small, as well as helping blind and low-vision individuals lead more independent lives. Volunteers can lend their eyes to provide tremendous support, while users can access visual information with ease and support people living with low vision. Choose Be My Eyes today and experience the power of visual assistance at your fingertips.

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