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Social media assistant

The Social GPT Chrome Extension can identify AI-generated content, offer feedback on post authenticity, and generate personalized comments in various styles for social media interactions.


Have you ever read a post on social media and wondered if it was written by a human or generated by an AI? Now with the Social GPT Chrome Extension, you can identify AI-generated content and generate personalized comments with various styles to enhance your social media experience! This powerful tool is completely free and is the perfect addition for social media enthusiasts, researchers, and journalists who want to ensure the authenticity of the content they interact with.

One of the key features of the Social GPT Chrome Extension is the ability to choose from different styles of AI-generated comments, including “Normal,” “Smart,” “Positive,” “Negative,” or “Troll.” This means you can personalize your comments to fit any post on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, in any language.

The extension uses advanced algorithms to analyze the content of posts, providing instant feedback on the authenticity of a post. It scans the text to determine if it was written by a human or generated by AI, offering a confidence score for your convenience. This feature is particularly useful for ensuring that the content you engage with is accurate and trustworthy.

The Social GPT Chrome Extension is also perfect for those who want to make their social media interactions more engaging and unique. By generating AI comments with different styles, you can stand out among the sea of comments and catch the attention of both the post creator and fellow viewers.

In summary, the Social GPT Chrome Extension is a must-have tool for anyone who wants to enhance their social media experience. With the ability to identify AI-generated content and generate personalized AI comments in various styles, you can ensure the authenticity of the content you interact with and make your social media interactions more engaging and unique. Try it out today!

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