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AI tools for real estate

Maket is a generative design software that uses AI to help architects, builders, and developers quickly and easily generate architectural plans with advanced features and functionalities. Maket’s AI-driven design generates thousands of floor plans based on project constraints and user preferences, allowing for early-stage concept creation, testing, and 3D visualization within seconds, as well as real-time collaboration and export formats in PDF and PNG. Maket is an ideal solution for professionals in various fields, design teams, and small and large businesses seeking affordable and efficient AI-powered design solutions.


Maket is a cutting-edge generative design software that utilizes the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to help architects, builders, and developers generate exceptional architectural plans quickly and easily. It is designed with a plethora of innovative features and advanced functionalities that enable users to build complex buildings, residences, and commercial structures in no time.

One of Maket’s most prominent features is its AI-driven design, which is geared towards generating thousands of floor plans based on programming needs and environmental constraints. By leveraging the power of intelligent automation, Maket’s design algorithms can effortlessly understand project constraints and user preferences, allowing users to select land sizing and shape, building size and shape, as well as desired adjacencies between rooms.

Moreover, Maket offers instant generation and testing capabilities, enabling users to create early-stage concepts, test, and visualize them in full 3D, all within seconds. This state-of-the-art software also includes real-time collaboration capabilities, a simple and intuitive interface, and export formats in PDF and PNG.

Maket’s diverse use cases make it an ideal solution for professionals in various fields, including architects, builders, and developers seeking efficient and AI-powered design solutions. It is also highly recommended for design teams looking for a collaborative and easy-to-use tool for generating architectural plans. Additionally, small and large businesses can benefit from Maket’s impressive features and optimize their design process by investing in this affordable solution.

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